Changelog & to-do


v1.3.5 July 2023, R.G. van Holstein
  • Corrected errors due to being deprecated
  • Added a warning that IP model is currently not completely accurate
  • Minor corrections
v1.3.4 May 2022, R.G. van Holstein
  • Corrected an error due to a scikit-image function being deprecated
v1.3.3 June 2021, R.G. van Holstein
  • Updated code so that it correctly handles the change of the header names INS4 DROT2 BEGIN and INS4 DROT3 BEGIN to INS4 DROT2 START and INS4 DROT3 START in the FITS files
v1.3.2 January 2021, R.G. van Holstein
  • Corrected a bug that prevented reductions to be performed when dark and flat files are included in the raw subdirectory
v1.3.1 September 2020, R.G. van Holstein
  • Added a command-line option (irdap --print) to toggle printing of log statements in the terminal
v1.3.0 September 2020, R.G. van Holstein
  • Implemented two new configuration parameters (combination_method_polarization and combination_method_intensity) for the computation of the final Q-, U-, IQ- and IU-images. The Q- and U-images can now be computed using least squares (as was previously the only option), the median and the trimmed mean. The IQ- and IU-images can be computed from the mean (as was previously the only option), the median and the trimmed mean
  • Old configuration files that do not have these parameters can still be used: IRDAP automatically uses the default least squares and mean options if these new configuration parameters are missing from the configuration file
  • Some minor additional improvements
v1.2.4 February 2020, R.G. van Holstein
  • Put temporal uncertainty as uncertainty of the star polarization in the log file, added the accuracy of the Mueller matrix model and clarified which uncertainty to quote in papers
  • Made IRDAP check for updates when run
  • Implemented correct link to ADS of van Holstein et al. (2020) in program and documentation
v1.2.3 December 2019, R.G. van Holstein
  • Clarified meaning of standard deviation of fitted center coordinates in log file
  • Very minor correction to computation of HWP angle from headers
  • Corrected minor bug when computing polarimetric efficiency when the number of Q and U cycles is unequal
  • Added warning when spread of star polarization per HWP cycle is large and suggest to try normalized double difference
v1.2.2 November 2019, R.G. van Holstein
  • Added polarimetric efficiency to crosstalk/transmission plot, a print statement with the range of the polarimetric efficiency of the observations, and a warning in case of low polarimetric efficiency
  • Corrected a bug in the checks of flux_annulus_star
  • Corrected a bug that when mean combining ADI+PCA-images only the first frame of the cube was written to the FITS-files
v1.2.1 November 2019, R.G. van Holstein
  • Corrected bug introduced in v1.2.0 with computation of DoLP and AoLP of star when there is an unequal number of Q and U measurements
v1.2.0 November 2019, R.G. van Holstein
  • Added computation of statistical uncertainty (photon and background noise) on measured star polarization in PDI part
  • Added contrast curves for the detection of polarized extended sources and polarized point source with PDI
v1.1.0 October 2019, R.G. van Holstein & J. Milli
  • Added angular differential imaging (ADI) including principal component analysis (PCA) of total intensity images for pupil-tracking observations
  • Added mean combination of ADI final images to command-line option irdap --meancombine
v1.0.0 September 2019, R.G. van Holstein & J. Milli:
  • No backward compatibility with previous versions
  • Added analysis of master flux frames to enable the user to express the final images in contrast/arcsec^2 or Jansky/arcsec^2
  • Restructered code and configuration file to allow for the separate execution of pre-processing, polarimetric differential imaging (previously referred to as post-processing) and angular differential imaging
  • Added plot of center coordinates of center frames vs time
  • Added possibility to open documentation through terminal command irdap --website
  • Confirmed that polarimetric data with dithering applied is correctly reduced
v0.3.0 July 2019, R.G. van Holstein:
  • Added command-line option irdap --meancombine to mean-combine final images of multiple observation blocks
v0.2.1 June 2019, R.G. van Holstein:
  • Added the possibility to reduce data taken with the narrowband filters using the existing model of the broadband filters
v0.2.0 June 2019, R.G. van Holstein:
  • Changed the definition of the tuple of the input parameters annulus_star, annulus_background and flux_annulus_background: width is replaced by outer_radius and the definition of start_angle and end_angle is now the same as in DS9
  • Replaced static flat in Ks by one with P0-90 inserted
v0.1.2 June 2019, R.G. van Holstein:
  • Release of IRDAP package on PyPI and GitHub
  • Documentation put online

To-do high priority

  • Add possibility to reduce data with center frames having a different DIT than the object frames (i.e. automatically scale object frames to DIT and ND filter of center frames before subtracting it; test with data of HD142527)
  • Automatically optimize the annulus for star polarization subtraction by iterativey updating the annulus by excluding disk signal and companions etc.
  • Improve computation of stellar DoLP and AoLP and corresponding uncertainties (standard error of mean) by sampling from Gaussian distributions with Monte Carlo
  • Correct error in computation of photon noise for Q and U images that uses signal in Q and U rather than I_Q and I_U.
  • Make the data reduction work for data taken before approximately May 2015 that do not contain the header keyword indicating the Stokes parameter (using the HWP angle instead)
  • Make IRDAP throw out less files when the order of the Stokes parameters of the files is not Qplus, Qminus, Uplus, Uminus
  • Add possibility to use CENTER-frames with a different exposure time than the OBJECT-frames
  • Add possibility to express contrast curves of extended sources in Jansky/arcsec^2
  • Make PDI part more memory efficient by re-using names of cubes
  • Remove bad pixels in frames by setting them to NaN, and when frames are rotating (in PT and FT with derotator offsets) use nanmean to filter bad pixels out
  • Make an overview of the warnings at the end of the log file
  • Add classical ADI for polarimetric data reduction of pupil-tracking observations
  • Add accurate (calibrated) model correction for narrowband filters
  • Add option to apply accurate plate scale and distortion correction for data (especially important for pupil-tracking and bright sources; do we need calibrations?)
  • For pupil-tracking data mask bad pixel clusters when computing least squares solution to get rid off sectors of bad data; for field-tracking data set bad pixel clusters to NaN.

To-do low priority

  • Add computation of mean stellar polarization and uncertainty when mean-combining data sets
  • Add images and plots aimed at analysis of polarimetric data (R^2 scaling, AoLP arrows in polarized intensity or DoLP images), maybe using terminal commands.
  • Add option to subtract DARK,BACKGROUND-frames if sky files are lacking (especially important for Ks; test effect first before completely implementing)
  • Add option to scale the master sky frame to subtract from the object frames (especially for Ks; see also Gallicher et al. 2011)
  • Add option for ‘stupid ADI’ for field-tracking data with derotator offset and option to subtract 180 deg rotated image if no derotator offset
  • Create contrast curves of final ADI-images
  • Make figures with sub-images horizontal, or make multiple lines of left and right images in a single figure
  • Add options for various methods to shift and rotate images (interpolate, ndimage-fourier, sci-image functions; similar to VIP)
  • Improve centering of non-coronagraphic data (center found depends a lot on first PSF and affects Qphi and Uphi images). Perhaps fit coordinates on each PSF, but do the actual shifts with the mean of these fitted values. This has proven to give a more accurate final result.
  • Add centering method that minimizes the SSR of the left minus right frames in an aperture centered on the star
  • Test finding of satellite spots of center files when waffle pattern is ‘+’
  • Add weighted least-squares as option for model correction (depending on image quality or polarimetric efficiency)
  • Exclude saturated pixels in aperture to determine star polarization (same way as used in function fit_2d_gaussian)
  • Determine star polarization as a function of aperture radius
  • Add optional RDI for total intensity images